Commercial Use Of Park Property

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Frequently Asked Questions Locations Application Process Quarterly Use Reporting Photography Permit

Commercial use of park property requires a permit issued by the City of Raleigh. The permit does not grant exclusive use of space, but provides the permit holder a license for the activity in the designated area. The permit holder and participants must share the designated areas with other users and cannot block public access. For more information, please call 919-996-2124.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is commercial use of park property?
    As per the City of Raleigh Ordinance 2015-415, commercial use is defined as “any activity conducted for pecuniary or commercial gain including private lessons, classes, or group activities where the lesson, class, or activity has a fee or other monetary barrier to entry. "Commercial use" also includes any lesson, class, or commercial activities taking place on park system property that is associated with any trade, occupation, profession, business, or franchise.  “Commercial use” does not include activities conducted on the City’s behalf or in conjunction with the City. Examples of commercial activity may include but are not limited to boot camps, running clubs, and workout groups. 
  • Why do I need a permit?
    City of Raleigh Ordinance 2015-415, Section 9-2023 states that “Commercial use of   any park system property is unlawful without first obtaining a permit from the City authorizing the use or entering into a rental contract or booking agreement with the City authorizing use of a specific facility.”
    “A commercial use permit does not grant exclusive use of space.  A permit provides the permit holder a license for the activity in the designated areas and is revocable at will.  The permit holder and participants must share the designated areas with other users and cannot block public access.”
  • What activities are authorized under a commercial use permit?
    City of Raleigh Ordinance 2015-415, Section 9-2023(c) states that activities (1) must be recreational in nature, (2) will not restrict or impede access for the general   public, (3) must not conflict with recreational programming offered by the City, (4) will not pose a safety risk to persons or property, and (5) will not create an undue burden on the park system property in use. Examples of authorized activities may include but are not limited to fitness camps and courses, on-leash dog obedience courses and recreational group meetings.
  • What activities are not authorized under a commercial use permit?
    Any activities that violate the provisions set forth in Question #3 are not authorized activities under a commercial use permit. Examples of unauthorized activities may include but are not limited to off-leash dog obedience courses, mobile vehicle detailing, and rallies or campaigns.
  • Does my permit give me exclusive use of the park property?
    No, it does not. City of Raleigh Ordinance 2015-415, Section 9-2023 states that “A commercial use permit does not grant exclusive use of space.  A permit provides the permit holder a license for the activity in the designated areas and is revocable at will.  The permit holder and participants must share the designated areas with other users and cannot block public access.”
  • What is the permit cost and how long is it valid?
    Permits are $25 and are valid for one calendar year.
  • When are applications accepted for commercial use permits?
    Schedule of Application Acceptance and Processing

    Submission Deadline Licensing Date
    December 15 January 1 – December 31
    March 15 April 1 – December 31
    June 15 July 1 – December 31
    September 15 October 1 – December 31

    There is no proration of fees for applications submitted for less than a calendar year of permit use.

  • What information must I provide with my application for a permit?
    Permit holders must submit a completed application, the $25 permit application fee and a certificate of insurance (COI). 
  • What is a Certificate of Insurance (COI) and what are the requirements?
    A Certificate of Insurance is a document that proves that the applicant has Comprehensive General Liability insurance to cover any liability claims, whether personal or damage, which may occur during use of the park property. The City of Raleigh must be named an additional insured on the policy, and the policy must meet the limits specified in the Hold Harmless Agreement of the Commercial Use of Park Property application. 

Download FAQ's

Download Dorothea Dix Park FAQ's



CUP #1 Apollo Heights 756 Lunar Dr Field by the playground
CUP #2 Baileywick 9501 Baileywick Rd Open field next to parking lot, Shelter #1
CUP #3 Baileywick 9501 Baileywick Rd Field adjacent to Shelter #2
CUP #4 Biltmore Hills 2615 Fitzgerald Dr Field between community center and pool
CUP #5 Brentwood 3315 Vinson Ct Field facing entrance driveway into park (previous pool site)
CUP #6 Brentwood 3315 Vinson Ct Open space adjacent to Field #2
CUP #33 Buffaloe Road 4901 Elizabeth Dr River access located on the west bank of the Neuse River, near the parking lot at the end of Elizabeth Drive
CUP #7 Carolina Pines 2305 Lake Wheeler Rd Area between community center and picnic shelter
CUP #8 Compiegne 106 Chamberlain St Open space
CUP #9 Claremont 2925 Anderson Dr Designated field
CUP #32 Dorothea Dix 1283 Western Blvd Designated fields -see Appendix A
CUP #10 Eliza Pool 1600 Fayetteville St Open space in north corner of the park
CUP #11 Fallon 2601 Oxford Rd Open space (Closed in 2021 for Maintenance)
CUP #34 Falls of Neuse 12088 Falls of the Neuse Rd (approximate) River access located on the south bank of the Neuse River, near the parking lot at the trailhead for the Neuse River Greenway Trail
CUP #12 Fred Fletcher 805 Washington St Open space between amphitheater and shelter
CUP #13 Green Road 4201 Green Rd Open space between sand volleyball and playground
CUP #14 Honeycutt 1032 Clear Creek Farm Rd Space beside basketball court and between court and playground
CUP #15 Isabella Cannon 2601 Kilgore Ave Open space
CUP #16 Kiwanis 2525 Noble Rd Open field   
CUP #17 Lake Lynn 7921 Ray Rd Open space adjacent to tennis courts (opposite of parking lot)
CUP #18 Lake Lynn 7921 Ray Rd Open space adjacent to baseball field
CUP #19 Lake Wheeler 6404 Lake Wheeler Rd Beachfront
CUP #20 Lake Wheeler 6404 Lake Wheeler Rd Overflow parking area
CUP #21 Lions 516 Dennis Ave Open space between basketball court and hill
CUP #22 Lions 516 Dennis Ave Open space behind scoreboard
CUP #23 Marsh Creek 3016 New Hope Rd Inline hockey rink
CUP #24 Optimist 5900 Whittier Dr Open space by Field #2
CUP #25 Optimist 5900 Whittier Dr Wooded area in front of the community center
CUP #26 Pullen 410 Park Ave Field behind the ball field (north of the railroad tracks)
CUP #27 Pullen 410 Park Ave Field to the north of the railroad tracks
CUP #28 Roberts 1300 E Martin St Lower field by the playground
CUP #29 Southgate 1801 Proctor Rd Wooded area in front of the building
CUP #30 Strickland 12804 Strickland Rd Open space off of the parking lot
CUP #31 Williams 1525 Lynn Rd Open space between volleyball and playground
  Greenway Trail #1   Northeast Raleigh, bordering Wake Forest
  Greenway Trail #2   South Raleigh, Neuse River Trail
  Greenway Trail #3   Mid-Raleigh, east to west
  Greenway Trail #4   Northwest Raleigh
  Greenway Trail #5   Southwest Raleigh
  Greenway Trail #6   Southeast Raleigh, south of Raleigh

Commercial Use of Park Property Map

Application Process

To be considered for a Commercial Use of Park Property permit:

  1. Complete and sign the Commercial Use of Park Property application. 
  2. Attach a valid Certificate of Insurance. 
  3. Submit the $25 permit application fee.

You can view the eligible spaces for commercial use by opening the Commercial Use of Park Property Map. Select the “tree” icon for the park property, then the “Magnifying Glass” to view the eligible space, highlighted in purple.

Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources (PRCR) will review the application for consistency with the purpose of public parks. Applicant will receive notice of approval or denial within five (5) business days. Approved applicant will then receive commercial use permit via email. Commercial Use of Park Property permit must be present any time activity occurs on park system property.

Please note that a Quarterly Use Report, attendance rosters and participant activity waivers will be required for submission by the 15th day of the month following the end of the quarter to continue permitted use. Failure to submit this report may result in revocation of one’s permit.

View the Commercial Use of Park Property (CUPS) Permit Application Access Request.

Quarterly Use Reporting

Raleigh PRCR requires that all approved Commercial Use of Park Property permittees submit a Quarterly Use Report for each quarter of use. The submission schedule is as follows:

Q1: January 1 - March 30 April 15
Q2: April 1 - June 30 July 15
Q3: July 2 - September 30 October 15
Q4: October 1 - December 31 January 15

Report submissions or questions regarding the report submission can be emailed to Terell McCullough at

Quarterly Use Reporting Form

Photography Permit

Professional photographers are welcome to have sessions at the park, however, all commercial film or photography taking place in a City of Raleigh Park requires a permit. You can apply for an annual film permit directly through the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources Department. This is a one year permit and covers all City of Raleigh Parks.

Photography Permit Application

To apply for the permit, please contact Jennie Saponaro at 919-996-4905 or





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