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Pollution from Construction Sites

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Active and Post Construction Report Pollution from Construction Site

Active and Post Construction

Sediment in stream

Sediment deposition from active construction site in local stream.

Construction sites, large or small, can become a problem for nearby neighbors and the environment when soil has been disturbed. Erosion and sediment control is important on every construction site.

The property owner and construction company should determine the practices needed during construction and maintain them throughout the project so sediment does not leave the construction site and off-site sedimentation does not occur.

At a minimum, construction sites should use rock construction entrances and silt fence around the edge of the project to prevent sediment from getting into the streets, storm drains, and waterways. Any sediment tracked out in the streets, curb lines, or stormwater swales will be carried to the nearest stream, lake, or river when it rains.

Sediment in street

Sediment in residential street.

When cleaning sediment off streets, driveways, and paved areas on construction sites, dry sweeping should be used instead of water hoses. If water must be used to clean pavement, stormwater drains should be protected to filter sediment entering the stormwater drainage system.

Report Pollution from Construction Site

If you notice sediment pollution from active construction or post-construction sites, email Stormwater Inspections at



Zachary Poole
Illegal Discharge Coordinator

Engineering Services
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Related Services:
Spot, Report, and Stop Water Pollution
