Mayor's Committee for Persons with Disabilities

Addressing the Needs of People with Disabilities and their Families

More Information

The Mayor's Committee for Persons with Disabilities helps people with disabilities to participate in the economic and social life of the community. To this end, the committee promotes employment of people with disabilities and communicates their needs to local leaders and the public. The committee also sponsors activities benefiting people with disabilities and their families.

Interested in serving?
If you would like to be considered for service on the Mayor's Committee for Persons with Disabilities, please email the staff liaison to ask about the appointment process. 

Meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month at 12 p.m. and are open to the public. 

*Note: Scheduled meetings and locations are listed on the event calendar. Schedules may vary due to holidays and cancellations. 

Minutes and Agendas
View meeting minutes and agendas on BoardDocs

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Sign up to receive alerts about the Mayor's Committee for Persons with Disabilities through MyRaleigh subscriptions.




Raleigh Pathways Center
900 S. Wilmington Street
Raleigh, NC 27601



Public Comment via Phone

In addition to in-person public comment, the Mayor’s Committee for Persons with Disabilities also provides a telephone option. To leave a public comment for the Mayor’s Committee for Persons with Disabilities via phone, call 855-925-2801 and enter code 4794.  Voicemails are accepted for a period of 4 days prior to the Commissions meeting. 

The Mayor’s Committee for Persons with Disabilities’ public comment line opens at 5 p.m. on the Saturday prior to the meeting and closes at 5 p.m. on the Wednesday before the Committee's regular monthly meeting. Please note that one comment is allowed per person per meeting and the limit for public comments is three minutes.

Public Participation

If you would like to schedule an appearance before the Commission, contact Everyone is invited to attend the meeting.

The Raleigh City Council proclaimed July 29, 2019 as Americans with Disabilities Act Awareness Day, in honor of the ADA's 29th anniversary. 

Annual Work Plan and Bylaws

Committee Goals and Activities

Committee Goals

  • Advise the mayor and City Council on matters of concern to citizens with disabilities.
  • Address environmental and attitudinal barriers preventing equal access by citizens with disabilities to education, recreation, employment, transportation, and housing.
  • Promote public awareness of the talents and abilities of persons with disabilities.
  • Inform citizens with disabilities of programs, services and opportunities available to them within the public and private sectors.

Awards Banquet

At the annual awards banquet, the committee recognizes outstanding contributions by individuals or groups who have made a significant impact on the community of persons with disabilities. Awards include:

  • Employer of the Year (Small, Medium and Large categories)
  • Citizen Involvement Award
  • Lockhart Follin-Mace Advocacy Award
  • James E. Meekins Award for an individual with a disability
  • Excellence in Transportation
  • Excellence in Housing
  • Excellence in Recreation
  • Media Award (Television, Print, Radio categories)
  • Supervisor of the Year

James Benton Achievement Award - Scholarship Application

Each year the Raleigh Mayor’s Committee for Persons with Disabilities awards $1000 scholarships to students with a disability recognized by the ADA. This year, three scholarships will be awarded. Applicants must be residents of the City of Raleigh and must be enrolled in or have been accepted to an accredited university, post-secondary school, college, trade school, or other institution of higher learning.

Selection of scholarship recipients is based upon academic performance, financial need, character, school and community involvement, honors and awards, aptitude in written expression, and personal motivation or leadership potential.

Applications are now open! The deadline to apply is Friday, June 7. 

For more information, please contact Shakema McClean at or Christina Bauman at  

Awareness Committee

Awareness and education play a large role in the employment of persons with disabilities. For this reason, the committee presents seminars for personnel officers and other representatives of major employers in the Raleigh area. Presenters at the seminars speak with conviction and from personal experience about employing people with disabilities. Committee members also provide information to employers about adaptive equipment to enhance the working skills of people with disabilities.

Housing Committee

The Housing Committee acts as a liaison between the City and its citizens on issues related to the availability and accessibility of housing. The committee works closely with individuals and families seeking affordable, accessible housing.

Transportation Committee

The Transportation Committee acts a liaison between the City and its citizens on issues regarding the accessibility of transportation. The committee works with the City to ensure that the transportation needs of people with disabilities are being addressed.

Staff Liaison

Contact to reach the staff liaison. 

Member Directory

  • Ricky Scott, Chair
  • Philip Woodward, Vice-Chair, Public Information Chair
  • Sharon Benton, Treasurer
  • Carolyn Covington, Awards Banquet
  • Donnie Best, Community and Transportation Access
  • Alice Kelly, Health Wellness, and Recreation
  • John Samuel, Employment Resources
  • Paula Coppola, Secretary
  • Robert Parrish, Housing
  • Shakema McClean, Community and Transportation (Co-Chair), Scholarship (Chair)
  • Lawrence Carter, Nominating
  • Mark Teague

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