raleigh union station construction

Constructing City-owned Buildings

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Project Types Active Projects Repairs and Improvements

Construction Management plans, designs, and constructs City-owned buildings. Our goal is to meet the growing needs of Raleigh residents and to make sure we have everything we need in our buildings to provide excellent services to the community.

Project Types

  • Buildings - transit, performing arts, fire, police, and other government services
  • Parking decks
  • Roof replacements
  • Streetscapes

Active Projects

Civic Tower 
Fire Station 3

Repairs and Improvements

Martin Marietta Center for the Performing Arts
We upgraded the elevator at Meymandi Concert Hall and updated the fire sprinkler system at Raleigh Memorial Auditorium.

GoRaleigh Park & Ride 
We're adding two new park and rides: 

  • A 200 space park and ride at Bus Way and Poole Road (near Fire Station 12); and,
  • A 90 space facility at New Hope Road and New Bern Avenue.

Raleigh Convention Center
We're working to reduce long-term energy costs at the convention center. We've reviewed and tested building systems during the reporting phase. The implementation phase is next, which is on hold until further notice.  




One Exchange Plaza, Ste. 801
Raleigh, NC 27601

Division Manager
Priscilla Tyree Williams, PE

Engineering Services
Related Services:
City Facilities
