Substance Use Advisory Commission

Working to reduce drug use

Take Our Substance Abuse Community Survey

If you, a friend, or family member has suffered from substance use, please take our community survey Community Survey

The Raleigh Substance Use Advisory Commission (SUAC) is seeking input through a community survey to better understand challenges to delivering and accessing substance use treatment. 

SUAC seeks to eradicate the suffering of all persons affected by and at risk of substance use by advising City Council on policy initiatives, serving as liaisons between Council and the community, fostering collaboration, and promoting best practices. 

Your answers to the survey will support SUAC's initiative to better understand barriers to substance use treatment in Raleigh. 

Thank you for helping improve substance use and mental health treatment!

If you are a provider of substance use and mental health services in Raleigh, please also take:

SUAC Service Provider Survey




Raleigh Pathways Center
900 S. Wilmington Street
Raleigh, NC 27601



More Information

The Substance Use Advisory Commission advocates for a healthy community by promoting best practices for the prevention, intervention, and treatment of alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use.

Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month from 12 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. and are open to the public. 

*Note: Scheduled meetings and locations are listed on the event calendar. Schedules may vary due to holidays and cancellations. 

Public Participation
To schedule an appearance before the Commission, contact the city staff liaison by email at

Sign Up for News and Updates
Sign up to receive alerts about the Substance Use Advisory Commission through MyRaleigh subscriptions.

Public Comment via Phone

In addition to in-person public comment, the Substance Use Advisory Commission also provides a telephone option. To leave a public comment for the Substance Use Advisory Commission via phone, call 855-925-2801 and enter code 5721.  Voicemails are accepted for a period of 4 days prior to the Commission's meeting. 

The Substance Use Advisory Commission's public comment line opens at 5 p.m. on Friday prior to the meeting and closes at 5 p.m. on the Tuesday before the Commission’s regular monthly meeting. Please note that 1 comment is allowed per person per meeting and the limit for public comments is 3 minutes.

Our Purpose

The Raleigh City Council created the commission as an advisory body in June of 1990. The creation of the commission helped solidify the City's commitment to a permanent and vigorous effort to eliminate substance abuse.

The Substance Use Advisory Commission advocates for a healthy community by promoting best practices for the prevention, intervention and treatment of substance use.

The commission's activities include an annual pill drop-off, which allows you to drop off your unneeded or expired prescription and over-the-counter pills. Dropping off your medication helps prevent its abuse, theft, and illegal sale. Disposing of it this way also helps keep our water supply safe.

Our Focus

together against substance abuse
  • Implement community education initiatives
  • Partner to reduce substance misuse
  • Reduce stigma
  • Advise City Council on current trends in substance use

Annual Work Plan and Bylaws

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