Headshot photos of the community connectors Farrah, Maurice, Cecily, and Allie

Community Connectors Working for Residents and Business Owners

Helping to offset the disruption of construction of Bus Rapid Transit

This news article is more than a year old.

Meet the Community Connectors hired by the City to share information about city projects impacting your neighborhood. Your Community Connectors are focusing their efforts along New Bern Avenue where construction of BRT will begin in 2024. Community Connectors can help residents and business owners understand the resources available to them. You may see Cecily, Farrah, Allie, and Maurice canvasing the area passing out materials about the project. If you do – we invite you to get to know these people working for you.

Support of the Community Connectors is provided by the Office of Community Engagement. To learn more email community.engagement@raleighnc.gov or call 919-996-2708 to speak with a member of the Community Engagement Office. 

Lead Department:
Community EngagementTransportation
