Person working with smart phone and computer

City IT Celebrates Cybersecurity Awareness Month

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month, a global effort to help everyone stay safe and protected when using technology.

Cyber threats can be scary, as malware can be lurking in any suspicious email that finds its way into your inbox.  

The City of Raleigh IT Department recognizes October as Cybersecurity Awareness Month and are sharing ways to help educate you on how to keep bad actors and malware at bay.    

Since 2004, the President of the United States and Congress have declared the month of October to be Cybersecurity Awareness Month, a dedicated month for the public and private sectors, and tribal communities to work together to raise awareness about the importance of cybersecurity. 2023 marks the 20th annual Cybersecurity Awareness Month.  

Tips to keep you cyber safe 

Implement multi-factor authentication on your accounts 

A password isn’t enough to keep you safe online. By implementing a second layer of identification, like a confirmation text message or email, a code from an authentication app, a fingerprint or Face ID, you’re giving your bank, email provider, or any other site you’re logging into the confidence that it really is you. Multi-factor authentication can make you significantly less likely to get hacked. Enable multi-factor authentication on your email, social media, online shopping, and financial services accounts. And don’t forget your gaming and streaming entertainment services.   

Update your software 

Keep your software updated or better yet turn on automatic updates. Bad actors will exploit flaws in the system. Update the operating system on your mobile phones, tablets, and laptops. And update your applications – especially the web browsers – on all your devices too. Leverage automatic updates for all devices, applications, and operating systems. 

Think before you click 

More than 90% of successful cyber-attacks start with a phishing email.  A phishing scheme is when a link or webpage looks legitimate, but it’s a trick designed by bad actors to have you reveal your passwords, social security number, credit card numbers, or other sensitive information. Once they have that information, they can use it on legitimate sites. And they may even try to get you to run malicious software, also known as malware.  If it’s a link you don’t recognize, trust your instincts, and think before you click.  STOP. LOOK.  THINK. 

Use strong passwords

Use strong passwords, and ideally a password manager to generate and store unique passwords 

Our world is increasingly digital and increasingly interconnected. Create passwords that are long, at least 14 or more characters and make them easy to remember by using passphrases.  So, while we must protect ourselves, it’s going to take all of us to really protect the systems we all rely on. 

Lead Department:
Information Technology
