Surplus Equipment

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Public Notice of Electronic Auction (Multiple Listings) Online Surplus Auctions North Carolina State Surplus Found and Seized Property

Public Notice of Electronic Auction (Multiple Listings)

Pursuant to G.S. 160A-270 and City of Raleigh Resolution 2024-547 and 2024-562, the Procurement Services Manager for the City is hereby authorized and directed to hold a public sale of those items of surplus City property listed below:

Tag 041191 (Asset# 18076) 2014 Crane Carrier Let2-45 Refuse Truck 2024-547 CYCCL588ET051142  

Tag 011203 (Asset# 17852) 2014 AUTOCAR ACX 64 Refuse Truck 2024-562 5VCACDVF3EH217103  

Sales for Asset # 18076 and Asset # 17852 will be conducted by an electronic auction beginning Monday, July 15, 2024, 8 a.m. and 8:05 a.m. and ending July 26, 2024, at 7 p.m., 7:05 p.m. respectively.  The website address to view the listings and to bid on the items is (link is external).

These units are located at 4120 New Bern Avenue, Raleigh NC 27610.

Payment must be made online and removal is by appointment only. Payment in full is due not later than 5 business days from the time and date of the Buyers Certificate.  Payment must be made electronically through the GovDeals (link is external)website.

Refer to the GovDeals(link is external) website for complete information regarding payment requirements and additional terms of sale.

This resolution, or a notice summarizing its contents, shall be advertised at least once and not less than ten days before the date of the public sale, in accordance with G.S. 160A-270.

For more information or to schedule an inspection, contact Tyler Carpenter at 919-996-5623 or

Online Surplus Auctions

To view the City of Raleigh's Surplus Items for Auction, go to GovDeals.

For more information or to schedule an inspection, contact

For vehicle information or inspection, contact Tyler Carpenter at 919-996-5623 or by email

North Carolina State Surplus

To view the City of Raleigh's Surplus Items for Auction, go to North Carolina State Surplus Property Agency.

Found and Seized Property

Surplus equipment generally does not include found and seized property from the Police Department. For information regarding disposal of found and seized property, contact the Police Department's Evidence & Found Property.


Tyler Carpenter
Procurement Analyst


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