Planning Commission
More Information
Upcoming Meetings
Meeting | Date / Time | Meeting Location | Agenda |
Planning Commission | March 11 / 9 a.m. | Council Chamber | Agenda |
Planning Commission | March 25 / 9 a.m. | Council Chamber | Agenda |
Committee of the Whole | March 27 / 4 p.m. | Council Chamber | Agenda |
Staff Liaison / Email | Department | Phone Number |
Bynum Walter | Planning and Development | 919-996-2178 |
Chenetha Eason | Planning and Development | 919-996-2644 |
Meeting Information
Current Agenda - March 11, 2025
Meeting Date
The public meeting of the Planning Commission scheduled for Tuesday, March 11, 2025, at 9 a.m.
City Council Chamber
222 West Hargett Street
Raleigh, NC 27601
The Commission typically meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 9 a.m. Meeting agendas are added to the BoardDocs agenda management portal on the Thursday before the meeting date. Planning Commission public meetings will be broadcast live on RTN 11 and on our live-streaming webpage. To watch past meetings, visit our video services page.
Public Participation
The Planning Commission bylaws provide that those in favor of the application will be allowed a total of 10 minutes to explain their support and those opposed to the application will be allowed a total of 10 minutes to explain their opposition. The amount of time allotted to each speaker will be determined based upon the number of persons attending the meeting who wish to speak. Therefore, attending the meeting does not guarantee the opportunity to speak, due to these limitations. If you want to make sure that your position is communicated to the Planning Commission, proponents and opponents are encouraged to choose one or two spokespersons to present comments on behalf of the group. Additionally, you may wish to submit written comments directly to the members of the Planning Commission via email to planning.commission@raleighnc.gov.
The Planning Commission agenda for each meeting is published on the city's website no later than Thursday prior to each meeting. All regular Planning Commission meetings begin at 9 a.m. The agenda items are listed sequentially in the order they will be heard; however, the chairperson can alter the order of the agenda during the meeting.
Public Meeting Participation Deadlines | for planning Commission Meeting |
To send presentations: | 5 p.m. the Friday before the meeting |
To send written comments: | 24 hours before the meeting |
Meeting Process + Agenda Structure
Members of the public are welcome to provide comments to the Planning Commission via email or in person at their meetings. To send written comments to the Planning Commission, click on the link below in “Members” to email all Commission members. If you would like to provide comments about a topic that is not included on an agenda, there is the time at the beginning of each meeting for any person to make comments on any item not appearing on the agenda.
Public Meeting Process
Items listed under “Consent Agenda”
These items require a routine action, such as a request for a time extension or referring a discussion item to a subcommittee. Items that appear on the consent agenda are typically not discussed, nor is any final recommendation offered by the Planning Commission.
Items listed under “Old Business” or “Committee Report”
These items have typically been discussed at previous Planning Commission meetings or subcommittee meetings. The Commission uses subcommittee meetings to discuss issues. Public comment is allowed at the subcommittee meetings. When an item appears as “Old Business” or “Committee Report” on a Planning Commission agenda, the public comment can only be allowed with a three-fourths vote of the commission members.
Items listed under “New Business”
Attendees may wish to make a comment on any of the agenda items listed under “New Business”. “New Business” items will begin with a staff presentation. The staff does not provide a recommendation for the items; rather, they provide basic facts and analysis of city policy. The applicant and proponents of the request will be provided a total of ten minutes to comment. All opponents of the request are also provided a total of ten minutes, with individual speakers provided with a total of two minutes to provide comments. With a three-fourths vote of the Commission, these time limits can be increased.
The Planning Commission is composed of 10 members, nine appointed by the Raleigh City Council and one appointed by the Wake County Board of Commissioners. The County-appointed member must reside in the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City. All members serve terms of two years and cannot serve more than three consecutive terms or six consecutive years. Members also serve on various subcommittees, as listed below.
Contacting the Commission
You can email the entire Commission or send an email to the individual members by clicking on their names above.
If you would like to send a mailed letter to the Commission, please send it to the address below.
City of Raleigh Planning Commission
Attn: Bynum Walter
P.O. Box 590
One Exchange Plaza – 3rd floor
Raleigh, North Carolina 27601-0590
To be considered for service on the Planning Commission, please complete the online interest form.
Committee of the Whole (COW)
The Committee of the Whole is an informal special meeting of the full Planning Commission to have further discussions on specific referral items. The Planning Commission bylaws state that rezoning requests that are deemed inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan and future land use map are automatically referred to the Committee of the Whole. Additionally, requests for Planned Development or Campus District are also automatically referred to this Committee.
- Current Agenda - March 27, 2025
- Meeting Schedule: Typically, on the fourth Thursday of the month at 4 p.m.
- Meeting Location: Council Chamber
Text Change Committee (TCC)
The Text Change Committee is a subcommittee where changes to the zoning code, known as the Unified Development Ordinance, are discussed. This subcommittee reviews the language of any potential code change.
- Current Agenda - March 19, 2025
- Meeting Schedule: Typically, held on the third Wednesday of the month at 4 p.m.
- Meeting Location: Raleigh Municipal Building, Room 305
If you are interested in participating, please email Justin.Bucher@raleighnc.gov. Please include your name, address, and the case you would like to comment on.
Strategic Planning Committee (SPC)
The Strategic Planning Committee is a subcommittee of the Planning Commission. This subcommittee can discuss policy issues related to land use and development.
- Current Agenda - March 12, 2025
- Meeting Schedule: Typically, on the second Wednesday of the month at 4 p.m.
- Meeting Location: Raleigh Municipal Building, Room 303
If you would like to participate, please email Hannah.Reckhow@raleighnc.gov.
Infrastructure and Mobility Committee (IMC)
The Infrastructure and Mobility Committee is a subcommittee of the Planning Commission. This subcommittee can discuss issues related to transportation, transit, and infrastructure policies and improvements and connections related to land use or large transportation planning efforts.
- Current Agenda: - March 27, 2025
- Meeting Schedule: Typically, on the fourth Thursday of the month at 3 p.m.
- Meeting Location: Raleigh Municipal Building, Room 303
If interested in participating, please email Hannah.Reckhow@raleignc.gov
Archived Minutes
The minutes for the Planning Commission and Planning Commission subcommittees are contained on the BoardDocs agenda management portal. If you would like to obtain meeting minutes prior to 2017, please send an email to Chenetha Eason.
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