David Blount
- Position: Communications Analyst
- Department: Communications
- Length of time with the City: 25 years
- Basic work duties: Overseeing content on both internal and external websites, photography, content editing, maintaining photo archive
- Best part about working for the City: My teammates. Easily. The people I work with daily make the good things better and the bad times easier. The hardest part about Covid was not seeing and talking with them each day.
- What would you like to tell anyone about working for the City of Raleigh: It’s a job that, when done right, actually makes people’s lives better. You’re not selling a product. You’re enabling people to live their best lives. It integrates you into the deepest fabric of people’s lives. We impact people’s safety and health. We are the foundation on which the community rests. That isn’t power; it’s a very special privilege.
Alicia Dosh-Eller
- Position: Wellness Analyst
- Department: Human Resources
- Length of time with the City: One year
- Basic work duties:
- Administer the City’s employee wellness program which offers a diverse range of events and initiatives that support the physical, mental, social, financial and occupational health of individuals.
- Design, plan, and implement health promotion campaigns to encourage employees to engage in healthy behaviors and to connect them with existing resources and benefits.
- Provide onsite and virtual health education classes and information sessions.
- Coordinate programming with internal and external wellness vendors.
- Analyze program results and wellness trends to determine efficiency of programs and employee needs.
- Keep employees connected through wellness platforms and various communications to ensure wellness program success.
- Best part about working for the City: My passion and experience lies in community health education, and here at the City of Raleigh, I am privileged to provide wellness programming to a diverse range of individuals and departments. Whether it’s leading a yoga class, a mental health webinar, or providing resources at onsite biometric screenings, I enjoy engaging with my colleagues and helping them to achieve optimal well-being.
- What would you like to tell anyone about working for the City of Raleigh: The City offers an expansive benefits package with newly added leave and wellness offerings. Take advantage of the many perks and care for yourself. Remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup. Let the City of Raleigh benefit from the overflow!
Jamie Quinn
- Position: Director of Marsh Creek Community Center
- Department: Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources
- Length of time with the City: 11 years
- Basic work duties: Facility management, programming, camps, athletic league management
- Best part about working for the City: I live for the consistent inconsistency of the job! Year-to-year, I do the same things but day-to-day is different. I never know what I’m going to experience when I walk in the door, but I know I’ll be making someone’s day better.
- What would you like to tell anyone about working for the City of Raleigh: If you’re looking for an organization that will challenge you to experience new things, create opportunities, and open doors, this organization is the one for you. There are so many different career paths within the City of Raleigh, but all will provide a deeper level of satisfaction than you ever could have imagined.
Monique Gyant
- Position: Transportation engineer
- Department: Transportation
- Length of time with the City: Three years
- Basic work duties: Review traffic impact analyses and provide engineering support for Transportation Planning and the Bicycle and Pedestrian Program
- Best part about working for the City: The sheer amount of diversity my role provides me. No two weeks are the same!
- What would you like to tell anyone about working for the City of Raleigh: I appreciate the holistic approach that the City has when it comes to transportation. Transportation is not just moving cars from point A to point B, but rather factors in every user and mode of transportation to provide a better quality of life.