Design Review Commission





Meeting Information

Current Agenda - April 3, 2025

Meeting Date
The Design Review Commission public meeting is scheduled for Thursday, April 3, 2025, at 4:30 p.m.

Raleigh Municipal Building,
222 West Hargett Street
Council Chambers

*Note: Scheduled meetings and locations are listed under "Upcoming Meetings" at the top of this page. Schedules may vary due to holidays and cancellations. View all upcoming Design Review events to confirm the schedule and location.

The Commission typically meets on the first and third Thursday of each month at 4:30 p.m. Current and past meeting agendas are available in the BoardDocs agenda management portal. Recordings of past meetings are available on the City’s video services page. 

The first meeting of each month is held in the Raleigh Municipal Building City Council Chamber (222 West Hargett Street) during which the Design Review Commission hears Design Alternate requests. The Design Review Commission conducts other business at its second meeting of each month in the Raleigh Municipal Building Meeting Room 303.

About the Commission

The Design Review Commission was established by City Council in 1973 to provide guidance, advice, and recommendations regarding the visual quality and aesthetic characteristics of the City of Raleigh. Acting as a quasi-judicial body, the Design Review Commission also conducts evidentiary hearings on design alternate requests from the City’s Unified Development Ordinance.

The commission consists of 15 members, the majority of whom have special training or experience in architecture, landscape architecture, horticulture, city planning, or related design fields. The members shall reside within the city limits or within the City’s extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ). At least one member of the commission must be a resident of the City’s ETJ.

When hearing quasi-judicial matters, the Design Review Commission has nine regular members and six alternate members. The ETJ member must be a regular member and must be appointed by the Wake County Board of Commissioners.

The Commission also appoints standing committees to undertake special design-related outreach and education efforts such as the Sir Walter Raleigh Awards.

Design Alternates

The Design Review Commission hears and decides requests for design alternates from the City’s Unified Development Ordinance (UDO). When conducting evidentiary hearings on design alternates, the Design Review Commission sits as a quasi-judicial body. Items eligible for design alternate consideration are listed in UDO Section 10.2.17.

Submittal requirements and instructions to file for design alternate are provided in the Design Alternate Application. A pre-application meeting is required prior to filing a design alternate application. Complete Design Alternate application must be filed by the filing deadline.

Minutes Archive

Agendas and minutes from 2019 to present are available in BoardDocs.

Minutes - (zip file downloads for items older than 2017):

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