City of Raleigh staff will present City Council with discussion topics that will drive this year's priorities at the Council's annual retreat. The retreat will take place from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on January 24 and 25 at the Pioneers Building at Method Community Park.
Topics for the retreat are (schedule subject to change):
Friday, January 24
- Strategic Plan Update Presentation
- Legislative Agenda
- Budget and Financial Outlook
- Public Comment Discussion
Saturday, January 25
- Affordable Housing and Zoning
- Smart Growth and Annexations
- Boards and Commissions Discussion
- Operational Update from the City Manager
Live Streaming
Live streaming happens here, but only when City Council is in session.
When Council is in session, a live stream link will appear next to the event date in the blue box below:
*If the link does NOT appear, please scroll further down and watch the meeting live by clicking on the YouTube link.
If no link appears above, then Council is not currently in session. To watch past meetings, visit our Video Services page.
YouTube Streaming as a Backup
If the link fails to appear while a meeting is in session, you can watch the meeting live stream on YouTube.
Please note:
- the City does not endorse any videos YouTube may choose to display once the council meeting is over;
- the City does not endorse any ads YouTube may choose to display as a layover on the video feed;
- the YouTube version does not provide a copy of the agenda alongside the video feed. You can find a copy of the agenda and minutes to past council sessions in BoardDocs.
RTN Channel is Always Streaming!
Our RTN Channel is always streaming something. If it's not a live stream of a meeting currently in session, it's a recent, pre-recorded meeting. Hit the play button below and see what's playing.