Raleigh Healing Together event with speakers

Raleigh Healing Together 2023 Events

October 13 and 14

Images from the Events

*** Weather update for 10/14: due to the rain, speakers will be at Fire Station 1 at 220 South Dawson Street. Resource tables are set up in the covered rotunda in front of the Raleigh Municipal Building at 222 West Hargett Street. Both the fire station and municipal building are alongside Nash Square.  Video streaming is available on raleighnc.gov, youtube and RTN 11 TV and may be a few minutes delayed due to weather. ***

As we approach the first anniversary of the mass shooting in our Hedingham community, the City of Raleigh is organizing two Raleigh Healing Together events that honor the victims, survivors, and our front-line workers of this tragedy. 


On Friday October 13, we will gather at the Raleigh Municipal Building at 3:30 p.m. This will be a quiet ceremony to honor the victims and survivors of this tragic event and to carry their light into the world. The Chaplain from the Raleigh Fire Department and I-CARE, Raleigh Police Department’s interfaith team of community members, will guide this remembrance.


On Saturday, October 14, we will gather in Nash Square from 10 to 12. This event will honor the people who responded to the many calls for help the day of the shooting, from our public safety professionals and 911 team to the medical team at WakeMed. We have also invited many community partners to share resources on health, nutrition, mental health and gun violence prevention. Thanks to all of the partners who joined us for this event to share information with the community:

If you want to send a message to the families on the anniversary of this event, the City has set up a P.O. Box for these cards. We will share these messages with the families. Please send those cards to the address below.

Raleigh Healing Together

PO Box 590

Raleigh NC 27602-0590

Associated Event

Lead Department:
