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Community-Initiated Public Art Projects
Do-It-Yourself Public Art Projects: Raleigh Arts has a program to help artists and community members through approvals and permitting processes for public art projects on City property. Suitable for art projects that are:
- Proposed by the community, either by artists or community members who want to organize an art project.
- Located on City-owned property (like a park, sidewalk, community center, etc.)
- Self-funded, community-funded, grant-funded, or sponsored. These projects do not include Raleigh Arts funding. View arts funding opportunities.
SEEK Raleigh
SEEK Raleigh is an experimental public art program that accepts proposals from artists who want to create temporary installations and performance pieces. SEEK Raleigh public art projects are:
- Innovative and exciting
- Located on City-owned property and use parks, public buildings, and public right-of-way as a canvas (like a park, sidewalk, community center, etc.)
- Reviewed every six months in the Spring and Fall. The number of projects approved depends on the annual budget allocated for temporary public art and could range from 2-10 projects annually.
Open Artist Calls
Raliegh Arts publishes calls for artists and creative opportunities from the City of Raleigh and our partners. Artist Calls are:
- For artists who want to make public art as part of City projects
- Updated as new calls and opportunities become available
- Featured in Raleigh Arts' bi-weekly newsletter, the Arts Flash. Subscribe to the Arts Flash newsletter