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Downtown Mobility Study

Improving active transportation and connectivity in Downtown

The Downtown Mobility Study is a City-led initiative to streamline multimodal planning and policy recommendations for the downtown area. The study will be community-driven and will consider the competing needs of stakeholders, advocates, and business owners downtown. The Downtown Mobility Study will serve as an update to the 2019 Downtown Transportation Plan 

Project Details

Transportation Improvements
Project Lead:
Barbara Godwin
Kimley Horn & Associates



Barbara Godwin 
Bicycle and Pedestrian Program Manager Barbara.Godwin@raleighnc.gov 

Lead Department:
Participating Department:
Service Unit:
Mobility Strategy and Infrastructure




Engagement Strategy

The study has three touchpoints with the public to convey information and receive feedback. The touchpoints will offer a combination of in-person and online engagement with stakeholders.  

  • Touchpoint #1: Complete
  • Touchpoint #2: September - November 2024, Date TBD 
  • Touchpoint #3: January - February 2025, Date TBD 
  • Final Recommendations Public Comment Period: May 2025  

How can you stay up to date on the project? 

Stay informed by regularly viewing this page for upcoming events or updated project information. 

You can also subscribe to “Transportation News and Events” to receive email updates related to the project. Visit raleighnc.gov and search: My Raleigh Subscriptions. 

Next Steps


The Downtown Mobility Survey closed on July 31.

The Downtown Mobility Study will move into development of network elements. The network elements will blend technical analysis and public input to create draft transportation elements for review later this year and into early 2025. 

Meeting Schedule
Touchpoint #1 May 29, 2024
Touchpoint #2 September - November 2024
Touchpoint #3 January - February 2025

Phase Contacts


Barbara Godwin 
Bicycle and Pedestrian Program Manager 



Lead Department: